Vintage to Be



More Like You by Orla Gartland

爱尔兰歌手Orla Gartland 本周终于发布首张专辑“Woman On The Internet”。这首“More Like You”是1月底先发行的单曲,也是专辑的主打歌。More Like You是一首伤感又充满张力的歌,Gartland的嗓音让人联想到Joni Mitchell, Florence + The Machine和Kate Nash.

Picture Orla Gartland, from Facebook

Picture Orla Gartland, from Facebook


Call From You by Anxious

美国乐队Anxious本周发布Emo风格新单曲 “Call From You”, 这首歌很有冲击力,不过也完美平衡了嘶喊和旋律。

Picture of Anxious, credit: Mitch Wojcik

Picture of Anxious, credit: Mitch Wojcik


Cloaked by Rolo Tomassi

这是一首令人惊艳的硬核单曲,来自于英国乐队Rolo Tomassi。主唱Eve Korman在硬核嚣叫和Dream Pop甜美之间随时切换,反差得令人叹服。歌曲最后一段加入些些Math Rock元素,让聆听体验更上一层楼。这首歌的MV看得人热血沸腾,配合音乐使用,堪称一绝。不喜欢硬核或噪音的朋友,请跳过。

Picture of Rolo Tomassi, from their Facebook profile

Picture of Rolo Tomassi, from their Facebook profile


Everybody's Birthday by Hana Vu

21岁的洛杉矶音乐人Hana Vu带来新单曲“Everybody's Birthday”。Vu低沉磁性的嗓音贯穿这首Rock + Soul风格的歌。尽管鼓点让整首歌透着力量,但却又处处透着悲凉。最想指出的是单曲封面,Vu是如何找到这么样令人不适的图片的?上一支单曲“Maker”也是如此,服了。

Hana Vu, credit: Corinne Schiavone

Hana Vu, credit: Corinne Schiavone


Hole In My Heart by Martha Wainwright

怎么定义这首歌呢?Pop, Folk, Country, Rock,好像都有一点。不过可以肯定的是,这是一首希望之歌。是那种在失意之时,一缕阳光照进心房的喜悦。Martha Wainwright新专辑“Love Will Be Reborn”本周发行,“Hole In My Heart”可谓点题之作。

Picture of Martha Wainwright, from her Facebook profile

Picture of Martha Wainwright, from her Facebook profile


Great Mass of Color by Deafheaven

七月初我们听过Deafheaven的新歌“The Gnashing”,本周他们整张新专辑“Infinite Granite”终于发行了,让我们来屏住呼吸,欣赏气势澎湃的6分钟大作“Great Mass of Color”。

Deafheaven, from their Bandcamp profile

Deafheaven, from their Bandcamp profile


Louie Bag (feat. Simno) by Yebba

Yebba本周发布了“Louie Bag”的官方MV。MV使用她童年的录像剪辑而成,看得出来她对母亲的怀念和对过去的告别。

Picture of Yebba, from her Facebook

Picture of Yebba, from her Facebook


Young Forever by Vistas

苏格兰乐队Vistas时隔一年就推出了第二张全长专辑“What Were You Hoping to Find”, 这首“Forever Young”最能展示他们的标志性的热烈、阳光。

Picture of Vistas, from their Facebook page

Picture of Vistas, from their Facebook page


Separated by Church Girls

费城Indie Rock乐队Church Girls本周带来Pop Punk新歌“ Separated”,讲述主唱Mariel Beaumont因哥哥酗酒背景下,家庭成员之间的挣扎、谅解和支持。

Church Girls, from their Facebook page

Church Girls, from their Facebook page

Winona by Miloe with Jamila Woods and Vagabon

年轻唱作人Miloe与音乐人Jamila Woods 和Vagabon合作,将去年一首“Winona”重新改编。这首歌融合Soul, R&B和Pop,曲调优美,细腻又充满律动。

Picture of Miloe, credit: Connor Johnson

Picture of Miloe, credit: Connor Johnson






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