Go Easy



Secrets (You Fire) by Magdalena Bay

七月初我们听到了Magdalena Bay的dreamy Disco “Chaeri”,本周他们又带来了R&B感觉的“Secrets” 。Secrets表达了对网络世界既爱又恨的矛盾心情。

Picture of Magdalena Bay, from their Facebook

Picture of Magdalena Bay, from their Facebook


Window Seat (Freak You Out) by Loose Buttons

纽约乐队Loose Buttons新歌“Window Seat (Freak You Out)”用Alex Turner式的唱腔记述成长与失去。

Picture of Loose Buttons, source

Picture of Loose Buttons, source


Sweet & Spice by Deb Never & Jim-E Stack

“Sweet & Spice”混合了Lofi, Pop 和 Hip Hop,是韩裔美国音乐人Deb Never的新歌,音乐人Jim-E Stack也参与合作。

Picture of Deb Never, Credit: Keith Oshiro

Picture of Deb Never, Credit: Keith Oshiro


Before You Gotta Go by Courtney Barnett

继上月的新歌“Rae Street”,Courtney Barnett又提前分享了一首新专里的歌“Before You Gotta Go”。 Barnett的嗓音还是一贯的慵懒,整首歌呈现Folk + Blues Rock的氛围。她的随意式吟唱与吉他节奏的暗流涌动,形成了一种非常有趣的反差,让这首歌很耐听,很有味道。

Courtney Barnett, credit: Mike_Shoots_Gigs

Courtney Barnett, credit: Mike_Shoots_Gigs


Soft Drink by Cherry Glazerr

美国摇滚乐队Cherry Glazerr发布单曲“Soft Drink”。这首慢板舞曲的歌,融合了电子元素,听起来很迷幻。

Picture of Cherry Glazerr, credit: Pamela Littky

Picture of Cherry Glazerr, credit: Pamela Littky


Bloodshot (Helio Remix) by Julien Baker

Julien Baker 即将推出“Little Oblivions (Remixes)” EP。在这张EP里,Baker从2月份的同名专辑中挑出5首歌,找了音乐人Half Waif, Helios, Gordi,Jesu和Thao来重新混音。“Bloodshot”的混音版与原版相比更加Lo-fi,人声的位置更加飘渺。

Julien Baker, from her Facebook page

Julien Baker, from her Facebook page


Little Things by Big Thief

Big Thief 本周推出两首单曲。其中一首带着另类风格的“Little Things”吸引了我的注意。在这首歌里主唱Adrianne Lenker的声音模糊、疏离,但却有力,唱出了失去爱情的痛。乐器编配很满,又充满了实验色彩。

Picture of Big Thief, Credit:

Picture of Big Thief, Credit: Josh Goleman


Country by Good Morning

澳大利亚乐队Good Morning的新歌“Country”有着超过1分钟魔性吉他Riff重复,正当你受不了想关掉这首歌之时,他们开始唱了。浓浓的Indie Pop风,唱出的失恋的伤感和无法适应人事物改变的无奈。从很多细节看Good Morning这支乐队,他们都像一对玩世不恭的大男孩。

Picture of Good Morning, credit: Nick Mckk

Picture of Good Morning, credit: Nick Mckk


Cold Heart (PNAU Remix) by Elton John & Dua Lipa

本周最热的新歌之一肯定是Elton John与Dua Lipa合作的“Cold Heart”。这首歌将 Elton John的 “Scarifice”、“Rocket Man”等几首经典老歌,串烧在一起然后由制作人组合PNAU重新混音,成为现在我们听到的这一首让人随之律动的舞曲。

Dua Lipa & Elton John, credit: David M Benett

Dua Lipa & Elton John, credit: David M Benett




Vintage to Be


New Wave