


All Our Friends Are Splitting Up by Katelyn Traver

演员/歌手Katelyn Traver在新歌"All Our Friends Are Splitting Up"中用非常疗愈式的声音,表达感情走到尽头的无奈。她的新专辑“Subject to Change”将在10月份发布。

Picture of Katelyn Tarver, from Facebook

Picture of Katelyn Tarver, from Facebook


Gd Tym by W. H. Lung

英国synth-pop乐队W.H.Lung分享新歌“Gd Tym”。这首Dance风格的作品,表达了对自由的热爱。MV里Drag Queen Dylan来到小镇,给人们平淡的生活带来了冲击。

Picture of W.H.Lung, from their Bandcamp page

Picture of W.H.Lung, from their Bandcamp page


Meanwhile (feat. Jelani Blackman & Barrington Levy) by Gorillaz

Gorillza本周带来Surprise EP "Meanwhile" ,同名歌曲是一首Hip Hop风格为主的作品,表达了对Notting Hill Carnival音乐节的怀念之情。作为虚拟动画形象乐队,Gorillza为音乐创业带来广阔天地。

Picture of Gorillzai, from their Facebook profile

Picture of Gorillzai, from their Facebook profile


Organon by Men I Trust

加拿大蒙特利尔乐队Men I Trust推出新专辑“Untourable Album”,顾名思义是一张没想过要巡演的专辑,因为在疫情期间创作的。这首歌“Organon” 舒缓、迷幻。

Men I Trust, from Facebook page

Men I Trust, from Facebook page


Enter Sandman by Rina Sawayama

“The Metallica Blacklist” 是一张致敬Metallica的翻唱专辑,网罗了一众知名歌手/乐队来参与。比较特殊的几乎每个翻唱曲目都会有5到6个歌手来分别演绎自己的版本,着实让人期待。本周听到了Rina Sawayama的“Enter Sandman”非常劲爆。

Picture of Rina Sawayama, from her Facebook page

Picture of Rina Sawayama, from her Facebook page


Roman Attack by Foy Vance

北爱尔兰歌手Foy Vance本周分享了一首新歌“Roman Attack”。这首歌总体偏流行,前半段平缓地推进情绪,后半段情绪爆发,讲述对一次无谓冲突的痛心。Vance的嗓音很厚实,听着受用。

Foy Vance, from his Facebook profile

Foy Vance, from his Facebook profile


Falls On Me by Sylvie

女声一开口,就直接给跪了。声音沧桑、伤感,Acoustic风格。这是上个月刚刚组建的乐队“Sylvie”,成员有 Drug Dealer乐队的Benjamin Schwab,Marina Allen(这首歌里的女声) and Sam Burton。

Picture of Sylvie, from their instagram

Picture of Sylvie, from their instagram


Assignment Song by Scruffpuppie

20岁歌手Scruffpuppie(JJ Shurbet)与Phoebe Bridgers的Saddest Factory厂牌签约,并带来这首EMO风格的“ Assignment Song”。 Scruffpuppie在社交媒体上拥有众多粉丝,下面第一个视频是这首歌的Demo版本,当时就已经火了。

Picture of Scruffpuppie, from their instagram page

Picture of Scruffpuppie, from their instagram page


Torpedo by Feeder

英国摇滚老炮儿Feeder发新歌了!这首 Torpedo积蓄了满满力量,在流行与朋克之间往复。乐队也宣布了同名新专辑将在明年3月份推出,敬请期待。

Picture of Feeder, from their Facebook page

Picture of Feeder, from their Facebook page


Orb Weaver by Natalie Jane Hill

美国唱作人带来一首Natalie Jane Hill新歌“Orb Weaver”。Folky+充满磁性的嗓音是这首歌的特点,整首歌在吉他和大提琴的烘托下显得深邃。

Picture of Natalie Jane Hill, from her Facebook page

Picture of Natalie Jane Hill, from her Facebook page


本期封面为Sylvie乐队“Falls On Me”演唱者Marina Allen



Mountains Depart


Vintage to Be