Panic Reboot



Hit Reset by A Great Big Pile Of Leaves

几周前A Great Big Pile of Leaves揭晓了新专辑的第一首歌“Beat up Shoes ”,本周他们发布了第二首歌“Hit Reset”。这首歌也是同样充满了轻松温暖的感觉。乐曲风格是Indie Pop加上一点点数学摇滚的节奏变化。

Picture of A Great Big Pile Of Leaves, from their Facebook photos

Picture of A Great Big Pile Of Leaves, from their Facebook photos


I'm Sick by Namesake

纽约布鲁克林乐队Namesake(旧名Honduras)将于十月份推出新专辑“Redeeming Features” ,本周乐队率先发布了专辑的第一支歌曲“I'm Sick”。这首有些戏谑的歌,不仅给专辑定下基调,也在某种程度上是主唱Patrick Philips的真实写照。Philips觉得如果真实剖析自己的同时又能把音乐做的有趣那是最好不过的。

Namesake frontman Patrick Philips, credit: Howard Shiau Photography

Namesake frontman Patrick Philips, credit: Howard Shiau Photography


What Does It Mean to Me? by Oberhofer

美国作曲家/演奏家/歌手Brad Oberhofer推出单曲“What Does It Mean to Me?”。整首歌可以说是迷离的Dream Pop混合一点R&B的感觉。Oberhofer慵懒的嗓音,非常契合歌曲主题中的灵魂拷问 -- 生活中到底哪些是真的重要的东西?

Picture of Oberhofer, credit: Coley Brown

Picture of Oberhofer, credit: Coley Brown


Track Five by Water From Your Eyes

纽约音乐二人组合Water From Your Eyes本周又发布一首单曲“Track 5”,这首歌将会出现在8月底的新专辑“Structure”中。这是一首反差很大的歌,前半部分空灵安静,中段开始逐渐演进到热烈的电子摇滚,而底层的合成器声浪在一直环绕。在个性外衣之下,这首歌的主题是“重要的人离去”这种伤感话题。

Picture of Water From Your Eyes, source

Picture of Water From Your Eyes, source


Security by Amyl and The Sniffers

澳大利亚乐队Amyl and The Sniffers分享了又一首单曲“Security”,这首咄咄逼人的朋克之作在音乐上显得十分老练。主唱Amy Taylor的嗓音听着酣畅淋漓,她唱到“I’m not looking for trouble, I’m looking for love...Will you let me in your hard heart, let me in Your pub"。

Picture of Amyl and The Sniffers, from their Facebook page

Picture of Amyl and The Sniffers, from their Facebook page


Are You Sleepwalking? by TORRES

TORRES真名叫Mackenzie Scott。这首Arena Rock般的“Are You Sleepwalking?”是她第五张专辑“Thirstier”的开场曲,TORRES日臻成熟的音乐在这张专辑得到全面体现。

Picture of Mackenzie Scott, from her Bandcamp page

Picture of Mackenzie Scott, from her Bandcamp page


Never On My Mind by Tobacco City

芝加哥另类乡村乐队Tobacco City本周发布首张专辑,这首慢板的“Never On My Mind”有淡淡灵魂乐的感觉,被主唱Lexi Goddard演绎的让人心碎。

Picture of Tobacco City, source

Picture of Tobacco City, source


I’m Waiting For The Man (The Velvet Underground Cover) by Matt Berninger

前几周听过Kurt Vile翻唱Velvet Underground地下丝绒的“Run Run Run”,本周The National的Matt Berninger也分享了他翻唱的“I'm Waiting For The Man”。 这两首歌都将收录在今年9月发行的致敬专辑“I’ll Be Your Mirror: A Tribute to the Velvet Underground & Nico”。该致敬专辑中会有Michael Stipe, Sharon Van Etten, King Princess and Iggy Pop等一众摇滚名人翻唱地下丝绒这张专辑的曲目。作为一个引领甚至超越时代的乐队,地下丝绒的音乐影响力历久弥新,从已经发布的这两首歌来看,这张致敬专辑非常值得期待。

Picture of Matt Berninger, Credit: Chantal Anderson

Picture of Matt Berninger, Credit: Chantal Anderson




New Wave


A Little Setback